This year, we are focusing on the heart of discipleship and being formed by God. We want to be made in the image He has called us to. We are trusting the work of God's hand and allowing him to form us. When we say yes to Jesus, we say yes to following His way.
But what does this mean for our daily lives?
- Devotion: Reading of scripture and prayer
- Worship: Attending a worship service
- Wealth: People who regularly give to something other than themselves have a more happy and productive life
- Withdraw: The practice of Sabbath is important to rest and reset regularly
- Meal: Having a monthly meal with other believers
- Mobilize: The regular practice of showing up and volunteering or serving somewhere in some way with others, fortifies your faith
- Yielding: Give something up, lean into a time of prayer and fasting
- Yes: Leading people into saying yes to Jesus and praying with them into their yes moment