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Take your next step and get baptized!

We Declare Jesus Everywhere and Lead Believers in a Life of Resilient Faith

Being baptized is more than just getting wet. Water baptism is a visual declaration of surrender to Jesus Christ, and a commitment to living for Him. 

No one is perfect. The truth is that even after getting baptized you’ll mess up from time to time. When we get baptized, though, we are saying that the ‘old’ me is gone, that we have been raised to life with Jesus, and pursuing what He has for us. We are made new in Him! 

Justin's Story
Danny's Story

Take The Next Step With Jesus

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."

Romans 6:4

You're new to the church. Maybe you've recently committed your life to Christ. Now you're ready for the next step and want to show the world you are serious about your faith.

We are excited to celebrate this important moment in your walk with Jesus. Join us for our next baptism following our Sunday service on February 16th by clicking below.
